First rose of the season along with the new lavender from the front.
What makes a house a home? At what point does the structure stop being four walls and a roof and turn into something safe, cozy, familiar, and the place you dream, sleep and love?
This home is filled with photos and paintings of people essential to me in my life. The moments captured in time on the walls and table tops represent years of laughter, tears, hopes, sorrows, and growing older. What do you fill your home with?
Here is the new old door, renovated by Chester River Carpentry, the door courtesy of Oldhouseparts, who've also helped me find old hardware. They've been very patient and generous with me and my doors.
The master bathroom antique dresser and mirror from St Michaels, MD is finished transforming into a vanity now and provides a relaxing space for getting cleaned up.

The corner of the bedroom saved for my artwork.
What corners do you save in your home?
Stay cool and enjoy the early summer.